Priyanka Chopra was in for a surprise when she woke up to the news making rounds around her being interested in doing Satyagraha. While the actress is hardly aware about what the film actually deals with, it has been claimed that she recently sent feelers to director Prakash Jha and expressed her interest in doing the film.
"This is untrue", informs a close associate, "Priyanka has most definitely not approached Prakash Jha for any film. She is currently neck deep into shooting for Krrish 3. Moreover her international album is about to be released as well and she is making frequent trips between India and U.S.A. for that. There are a couple of projects already in the anvil. In between this all, where is the time to get committed to another film?"
It was also being reported that while Prakash Jha had confirmed Kareena Kapoor for the film, he is now having another choice opening up in the form of Priyanka.
"That's entirely his call. If he considers Priyanka for any film, she would be most delighted as she obviously holds the director in very high regard. However the truth is that for Satyagraha, Priyanka is definitely not in contention", a trade source adds, "She has to promote Barfi! and then also wrap up Zanjeer. In any case, she is not bothered by such rumours making the rounds. She would rather concentrate on work than react to such baseless speculations."
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